Claire Yoga Malta

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Yoga Class Schedule

Making time for your yoga practice

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Yoga Ecstatic Dance

Yoga Ecstatic Dance is a flow of yoga where yoga poses and dance are combined together transporting us into a state of inner freedom.

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yoga articles
Yoga Articles

Get an introduction on yoga through these articles together with some tips to uplift your body and soul

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Yoga Etiquette

Simple guidelines for your yoga practice

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Welcome to Claire Yoga Malta, your safe space for healing and transformation

We all have the need and right to spend part of our life caring for our soul. We have to resist the urge to measure our life in terms of our material output rather than in  terms of the quality of our life experiences. We should learn to treasure what is unique and internal and valuable in oneself for our own personal evolution. Through my personal experience as a yogi and a yoga teacher I have found yoga to be a way by which we can begin to tune in to our own personal evolution because yoga helps us to improve our physical health but above all serves as a path to inner joy and self fulfillment because yoga is a journey of self-discovery.


'Claire's yoga classes in Malta have turned my life around. I found physical strength, mental stability and inner peace. I got to know myself better and I now cope easier with stressful situations and my work and social communication have improved. Claire has a natural talent to guide her students in dealing with their individual lives. Today's hectic lifestyle requires what you can achieve through yoga. I would recommend yoga practice and meditation to all.'

Manon Aquilina ( Malta )